I've Been Cheated On...

No, not the way you might be thinking, but I hope the title got your attention. On a recent blog entry I brought you all up to speed on our Fro-Yo obsession that is “16 Handles.” I mentioned that this is a Sunday tradition followed religiously. Every Sunday, together, or not at all. Or so I thought. That was of course until I was cheated on.

The GF went one Sunday when I was away. Bad GF, very bad. Now she didn’t go to “16 Handles” but rather another bush league spot called “Off the Wall.” Blasphemy. She seems to think this made it less of a crime, but she knew better than to expect that. And how did I find out, you may be wondering? Ok, so you’re probably not really wondering or don’t even care for that matter, but since you’re reading this I’m gonna tell you anyway. She felt so guilty after that she sent me a picture, apologized and asked forgiveness. To forgive and forget…or hold it over her head forever…or at least until I get myself in trouble and call this up to make us even. I vote for maybe a bit of both. 


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