About Me

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I don’t cook. When I think about someone who “cooks,” I think about the chefs who seek to understand food and how to create flavor combinations that yield amazing meals, dishes or masterpieces. Culinary artists. Me? I just combine the list of ingredients these folks come up with and hope my dish turns out like the picture in the cookbook. Simple enough.

Well, I’ve been told recently that even following a recipe is no small feat for some. Apparently it takes some skill – and patience* – to follow a recipe and have it actually taste good when it’s done. Who knew.

I started this blog when I back when I was unemployed, thinking I'm unemployed but a man’s still gotta eat. Since at the time I couldn't afford my weekly sushi dinners, I started to cook more at home. Now, looking back, I was surprised to realize how many really good dishes I've made over the past 12 months and I thought capturing them here would be a great way to share with my ever-curious network of family and friends. Not to mention, impress my GF’s family and keep track of the recipes I've loved** and what I would do differently. 

*Speaking of patience, I have a GF in my life who REALLY does not cook. I mean, grilled cheese is a challenge. So part of this blog is going to document my attempt to make her my Sous Chef. Not just the official Wine Un-corker.

**Big caveat: none of these recipes are mine. They are a collection of ones I've tried and really like.  Some, and unfortunately some of the good ones, don’t have accompanying photos since I only recently gave in and decided to start this blog. The pictures I do have were taken in poor lighting with a low quality cell phone camera. All things going forward that I’ll be aiming to improve. I’d love to be like the pros and get a food stylist and food photographer but who am I kidding. I’m unemployed and again, I’m no real chef.

Hanging with the GF
Living the dream


  1. I love it, can't wait to try out your recipes...keep them coming! Great job Zack, signed the GF's madre:)

    1. Thanks so much. Will definitely keep 'em coming!

  2. "Said friend" on the "September 30" entry would like to be named...
    Also "said friend" had his baby on that day! Keep up the good work on the blog, it really shows your passion, creativity and humor

  3. Not only do these look like great recipes this site is wonderful...easy on the eye and a delight to page through.
    If you designed this site you might think about making websites for others who would gladly compensate you. Nice to meet you and say,"Hi!" to your sous chef for me.
    I've posted your URL on the MYFamily.com website.

    1. Thanks so much Kathy. I'm glad you liked the blog, and thanks for helping me spread the word. I'll be sure to say hi to my Sous chef for you. I look forward to getting to meet you too.

  4. Looking forward to trying this one, looks delish and not too complicated. You'll have to post a steamed veggie dumpling recipe next....hmmm, fried rice perhaps....the possibilities are endless!
    GF Madre


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