Flag Cake: A GF Contribution

What’s better than Face Cake you might ask? Truly, not much. But if attending a Fourth of July party, you should aim to bring something a bit more patriotic. Which is what fueled the GF to make this year's Flag Cake - simple, cheap and good. Always a hit. 

- 1 box pound cake mix (and the ingredients it calls for on the back of the box)
- 1 container Cool Whip
- 1 box strawberries
- 1 box blueberries
- 9x13 pan (we could only find a square disposable pan which didn't properly depict the flag's true shape. We'll get that right next July)

1. Make pound cake (follow the directions on the back of the box)
2. Let cool before applying Cool Whip evenly on top.
3. Create American flag using the blueberries as stars and cut-up strawberries as stripes.


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