I'm Back! Again...

I know, I know, you’re getting tired of my disappearing act.  You finally felt the sweet relief in my return to the blog while I was first getting situated in my new job at the beginning of the year.

Yes, it’s true, you've really been suffering without a tasty post from me for 8 months. Shame on me.  But hear me out, I've got a valid reason.  I spent all that time looking for a new apt, moving out of my UES “bachelor pad” (use of quotes is warranted if you've ever seen the place) into a new, nicer spot on the UWS WITH the GF…I know right?

Since apologies only go so far and actions speak louder than words, I’ll simply have to prove I’m worthy of your continue following.  And thankfully I've got a couple of posts on deck that should do that, and then some. Stay tuned.


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